Sunday 12 February 2012

Fix it with a Fist

           Sometimes a smack is needed to fix things. When my dad was in the military, his gun was jammed because of the humidity and dirt, so he smacked it and it started working again. Of course he was very careful not to have it pointed at anyone! I love it when people are trying to set up a T.V and they give up and throw the remote and it starts to work again and they freak out because they have spent so much time trying to fix it and a smack fixes it.  Sometimes, your bag of chips might get stuck in the vending machine, and some gentle nudging will get it to fall. While this method is not recommended with children or animals, it works better with mechanical objects.  An example is Fonzie and the jukebox from the show Happy Days. He would often kick it to get it working. In this clip, he fixes the problem of racism with one punch.
   Very seldom is smacking something a good thing, but every now and then it is useful.

P.S: I think Fonzie was exposed to some gamma radiation, to have powers like that!

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